Policy KHB
Advertising in Schools
School Board Approved: August 15, 2005
Neither the facilities, the name, the staff, nor the children of any school within the Jaffrey-Rindge Cooperative School District shall be employed in any manner for advertising or otherwise promoting the interests of any commercial or other non-school agency or organization, except that:
The school may cooperate in furthering the work of any nonprofit, community-wide social service agency, provided that such cooperation does not restrict or impair the educational program of the schools.
The schools may use films or other educational materials bearing only simple mention of the producing or sponsoring firm.
The schools may participate in radio or television programs under acceptable commercial sponsorship when such participation is supplementary or beneficial to the program of the schools.
The Superintendent may, at his/her or discretion, announce or authorize to be announced any lecture or other community activity of particular educational merit.
The schools may, upon approval of the Superintendent, cooperate with any governmental agency in promoting activities in the general public interest which are nonpartisan and non-controversial and which promote the education or other best interests of the pupils.
School publications may accept and publish paid advertising under established procedures.
Promotional literature will not be distributed through the schools except for recognized educational and youth-oriented organizations.
Section K
Policy Manual