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Policy KE
Public Concerns and Complaints
School Board Approved: March 1, 2021

The Board believes that complaints and grievances by district residents and the parents and guardians of district students are best handled and resolved by the parties directly concerned. Therefore, the proper channeling of complaints involving instruction, discipline or learning materials will be as follows:

  1. Teacher
  2. Principal
  3. Superintendent
  4. Board of Education

Any complaint presented to the Board about school personnel shall be referred back through proper administrative channels. The Board will not hear complaints from individuals until such complaints have first been brought forth through the appropriate and applicable administrative procedures.

In the event a complaint is made directly to an individual Board member, the procedure outlined below shall be followed:

  1. The Board member shall refer the person making the complaint to the Superintendent or for investigation. The Superintendent may delegate the investigation to the Principal.
  2. If the member of the public will not personally present the complaint to the Superintendent or Principal, the Board member shall then ask that the complaint be written and signed. The Board member will then refer the complaint to the Superintendent for investigation.
  3. If the person making a complaint feels that a satisfactory reply has not been received from the Superintendent, he/she may request that the complaint be heard by the Board. The Board will hear and act upon the complaint only by majority vote. If the Board does hear and act upon the complaint, all Board decisions shall be final.

Section K
Policy Manual

ke_public_concerns_and_complaints.txt · Last modified: 2021/03/15 21:17 by wiki