Policy KDC
Website Publishing
School Board Approved: April 1, 2019
Official school district websites will be hosted and maintained on the District's computer networks.
Websites that are hosted outside of the school district that contain references to any students, staff, or facilities of the District are not considered official Websites, and the school district will not be responsible for their content.
The district website is intended to provide a means of sharing information with the school district and
the world about school curriculum and instruction, school-authorized activities, and other information relating to the district's schools and mission. Instructional resources for staff and students may also be provided.
Organizational Responsibility
School district websites are official publications and must follow similar guidelines as other district
publications (See Policy JICE). For district-wide Department Websites, the Department Director has primary
responsibility for the content of the website. For individual school Websites, the Principal has primary
responsibility for the website. All information published on the school district websites must be approved by
these individuals or their designees. The Superintendent's Office acts as the final authority when issues arise
concerning potentially sensitive content.
All postings to the Websites will be performed by authorized individuals only. These individuals must
have been provided with secure access by the Technology Department and have been given approval by the
district Department Head or Principal. Technology Department Staff reserve the right to remove any publication
that adversely affects the operation of the school computer networks.
Publishing Standards
All subject matter on district web pages and their links must relate to curriculum and instruction, school-
authorized activities, or information about the district or its mission. Staff or student work may be published
only as it relates to a class project, course, or other school-related activity. Students, staff, or other individuals may not use the district's web pages to provide access to their personal pages on other servers or online services.
Publishing privileges are provided to students and staff through individuals who have been authorized
by the building principals or Department Directors. Creators of web pages need to familiarize themselves with -
and practice - the following standards and responsibilities, or pages will not be published.
All web pages must comply with all policies and regulations of the district and all state, federal and
international laws concerning copyright, intellectual property and use of computers. All content must be
appropriate, decent, in good taste, and not intended to harass, demean or offend individuals or groups. Offensive content includes, but is not limited to materials, which offend religious and racial groups, constitute sexual harassment, or contain violence and profanity. Correct grammar and spelling should be used, documents should be of high quality in both style and presentation. Any unedited work by students will be identified as such.
Web pages must include a statement of copyright, when appropriate, and indicate that permission has
been secured to include copyrighted materials. Factual information must be able to be documented. All web
pages must identify affiliation with the School District. All web pages must provide a link to the school or
Department's home page, and contain clear navigational links. Commercial use (advertisements, business logos,
etc.) is prohibited. All web pages must comply with the School Board policies, administrative regulations, these Web Publishing Guidelines, and other district guidelines provided for specific levels of publishing. The
viability of links from Web pages that were not created by the district cannot be guaranteed. All links will be
tested for accuracy.
Web pages may not contain links to other pages that are not yet completed. If further pages are anticipated but not yet developed, the text that will provide the link can be included, but the link may not be made “hot” until the further page is actually in place. Any deliberate tampering with or misuse of district network services or equipment will be considered vandalism and will be handled according to the school
discipline code.
The use of a web page for political lobbying activities is prohibited. Engaging in non-school related
fundraising is also prohibited. No student Email address, whether a personal or district account, may be listed on any web page. Official district email addresses of staff may be published on the website.
Web pages shall not contain personal student information other than first names unless prior permission
has been granted. The building principal is to be contacted as the consultant in special circumstances where
awards or events warrant publicity of this nature. Web pages may contain pictures of students and staff
involved in school-related activities only. Students identifiable as receiving Special Education services must
have parent or guardian permission regardless of whether they are identified by name. Non-school related
student work shall not be published.