Policy JLCB
Immunization of Students
School Board Approved: December 5, 2022
Any child being admitted to the District must present written documentation of meeting the then current New Hampshire immunization requirements, unless exempted for medical reasons under RSA 141-C:20-c, or for religious reasons as provided in paragraph D of this policy. All immunizations must meet minimum age and interval requirements for each vaccine. A 4-day grace period is allowed; however, live attenuated vaccines (e.g., MMR, Varicella, nasal influenza vaccine, etc.) that are not administered on the same day must be administered at least 28 days apart.
The District will notify parents/guardians of immunization requirements at the earliest possible date, so that the necessary plans can be made with the healthcare provider or other medical resources to accomplish this standard prior to a child being admitted to school.
Conditional Enrollment
A child who has not met the immunizations requirements of paragraph A, above, may be “conditionally” enrolled and allowed to attend school when the parent/guardian provides:
The appointment date referred to shall serve as the exclusion date if the child does not keep the scheduled appointment. Conditional enrollment shall not be extended to the next school year for the same dose of vaccine.
Homeless Students and Unaccompanied Youth
Pursuant to the McKinney-Vento Act and Board Policy JFABD, homeless students and/or unaccompanied youth, may enroll and attend school while the Homeless Liaison works with the family/student to obtain examinations or documentation of the same.
Military Children and Military Connected Students
Pursuant to the Interstate Compact on Educational Opportunity for Military Children (RSA 110-D:5, III) and Board Policy JFAM, immunization(s) (or for a series of immunizations, the initial vaccination(s)) shall be obtained within 30 days from the date of the military child/military connected student’s enrollment, or within a time frame determined under the rules of the Interstate Commission.
Health and Religious Exemptions
Medical Exemption: A student shall be exempted from the above immunization requirements if he/she presents written documentation in accordance with RSA 141-C:20-c, I from his/her physician that immunization will be detrimental to his/her health. An exemption under this paragraph shall apply only to the specific immunization referenced in the physician's written statement, and will continue for the greater of one year or the length of time stated in the physician's statement.
Religious Exemption: In accordance with RSA 141-C:20-c, II, a child will be excused from immunization for religious reasons, upon receipt of a statement, signed by the child's parent/guardian, stating that the child has not been immunized because of religious beliefs.
In the event of an outbreak, students who have been exempted from immunization requirements will be excluded from school for a period of time, to be established after consultation with the NH Dept. of Health & Human Services (NHDHHS), if such students are considered to be at risk for the disease or virus that they have not been immunized against.
The school nurse, principal or designee trained in state immunization requirements is responsible for documenting that all students have been immunized prior to school entrance in accordance with RSA 141-C:20-a, or that one of the circumstances described in paragraphs B-D, above apply.
The Superintendent shall assure that the District maintains immunization records in accordance with NHDHHS regulations.
Legal References:
RSA 110-D:5, III, Educational Records and Enrollment
RSA141-C:20-a, Immunization
RSA 141-C:20-c, Exemptions
RSA 141-C:20-d, Exclusion During Outbreak of Disease
RSA 200:38, Control and Prevention of Communicable Diseases: Duties of School Nurse
N.H. Dept. of Ed., Admin. Rule Ed 311.01, Immunization Program
N.H. Dept. of Health & Human Services, Admin. Rule He-P 301, Communicable Diseases
42 U.S.C. § 11432(g)(3)(C)(iii) - McKinney-Vento Act\\