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Policy IGA
Curriculum Development and Adoption
School Board Approved: May 21, 2018

Curriculum development must be viewed as an encompassing task involving the total community; students, teachers, parents, working cooperatively to develop a curriculum that offers a wide variety of approaches to education and to provide a more flexible and purposeful approach to the search for an increasingly complex world.

The Board will encourage and support the professional staff in efforts to investigate new curricular ideas, develop and improve programs, and evaluate results.

The Superintendent will lead curriculum development for the school system. The Superintendent will establish curriculum committees for the study of curriculum improvements, including the selection of new instructional materials, as found necessary and desirable.

The Board will make final decisions on curriculum change. The Superintendent will submit to the Board recommendations developed by the curriculum committee and the professional staff. The Board in reviewing the evaluating curriculum recommendations may solicit community opinion. Recommendations will be submitted to the Board for its consideration and adoption.

It is the policy of the Board that no basic course of study shall be eliminated or new courses added without approval of the Board, nor shall any significant alteration or reduction of a course of study be made without such approval.

New programs and courses of study shall not be acted upon by the Board until the meeting following their presentation by the administration so that Board members may have opportunity to review the proposed program conduct has occurred.

All teachers have professional obligations to the school program beyond regular classroom duties, and these obligations include work on curriculum committees. It is expected that all teachers will make contributions to curriculum development.

Legal References:
NH Code Administrative Rules, Section Ed. 302.02(f), Substantive Duties of Superintendents
NH Code Administrative Rules, Section Ed. 303.01(g), Substantive Duties of School Boards
NH Code Administrative Rules, Section Ed. 306, Minimum Standards for Public School Approval

Section I
Policy Manual

iga_curriculum_development_and_adoption.txt · Last modified: 2022/08/02 21:32 by wiki