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Policy FA
Facilities Development Goals
School Board Approved: April 4, 2005
Reviewed: May 14, 2020

As the Board seeks to incorporate the most appropriate and cost-effective risk management techniques for less prevention and control, and to overcome deficiencies in its physical plant, it will strive to provide new and remodeled facilities that will offer the best possible physical environment for learning and teaching. The Board specifically recognizes the need and importance of regular and substantial capital Maintenance, renovation, improvement and expansion consistent with realistic fiscal constraints.

The Board aims specifically toward:

  • Facilities, including buildings, ground, and playing fields, that will accommodate organization and instructional patterns that support the district’s educational philosophy and instructional goals.
  • Meeting all safety requirements through the remodeling and renovation of older structures.
  • Providing building renovations to meet requirements on the availability of public school facilities to handicapped persons whenever possible.
  • Building design, construction, and renovation that will lend themselves to low maintenance costs and the conservation of energy.
  • Facilities that will also lend themselves to utilization by the community in ways consistent with the overall goals of the district.
  • Keeping the community informed about the condition of district facilities as well as the perceived needs in the areas of capital improvement expansion and acquisition.

Decisions pertaining to education specifications of new buildings and those undergoing extensive remodeling will be developed with input of teachers, student, parents, and the community.

Legal Resources:
RSA 282-A: 71, III, Unemployment Compensation

Section F
Policy Manual

fa_facilities_development_goals.txt · Last modified: 2022/07/26 20:51 by wiki