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Policy EBCC
Bomb Threats
School Board Approved: October 7, 2019

The Board recognizes that bomb threats are a significant concern to the schools. Whether the threat is real or a hoax, a bomb threat represents a potential danger to the safety and welfare of students, staff, and school property. No person shall make or communicate, by any means, a threat that a bomb has been or will be placed on school premises. Any bomb threat will be regarded as a serious matter and will be treated accordingly. In the event a bomb threat is made, the following procedures shall be followed:

  1. The Superintendent or his/her designee shall call for an immediate evacuation of all school buildings.
  2. Simultaneously, local law enforcement authorities shall be notified.
  3. An investigation of the threat should be made by local law enforcement authorities or applicable state department.

Any decision to re-enter the school or buildings will be made by the Superintendent, or designee, and only after such clearance has been given by the appropriate law enforcement agency. Making a bomb threat is a crime. As such, any person found to have made a bomb threat will be subject to arrest and prosecution according to law. Any student suspected of making a bomb threat will be reported to law enforcement authorities for investigation and possible prosecution. Apart from any penalty imposed by law, and without regard to the existence or status of criminal charges, a student who makes a bomb threat shall be subject to disciplinary action, in accordance with applicable Board policy.

Legal References:
RSA 158:9, Possession of Explosives
RSA 644, Breaches of the Peace and Related Offenses

Section E
Policy Manual

ebcc_bomb_threats.txt · Last modified: 2022/07/29 18:24 by wiki