Policy DJG
Vendor Relations
School Board Approved: October 3, 2005
It is the responsibility of the Business Office and Administrators/Managers to establish a relationship of mutual confidence and satisfaction between the School District and its suppliers.
The vendor shall be considered a supplier of goods and services as well as a source of expertise.
The Business Office shall be aware of all transactions that are conducted between the School District and its vendors through the regular issuance of purchase orders and bill payment process.
Failure of vendors to meet specified delivery dates or to supply satisfactory goods should be communicated directly to the Business Office. Poor performance from the vendor could result in the vendor being removed from the future bidding opportunities.
All vendors’ representatives and sales personnel shall meet with the Business Administrator except in areas where the materials or services are highly technical or specialized. The Business Administrator will forward pertinent information obtained from catalogs, interviews, ads, etc. to the appropriate Administrators/Managers.
To insure compatibility with School District systems and long-range planning, all information technology purchases (desktop computers, notebook computers, peripherals, networks, telecom, and media technology and application software) need prior written approval from the Director of Information Technology.
All purchases related to facilities and maintenance (i.e. trade services, electrical, plumbing, items requiring installation) must be approved in writing by the Maintenance Supervisor prior to placing the order to ensure system compatibility and meeting code requirements.
All employees of the School District shall keep themselves free of obligation by refusing to accept any gift, entertainment or gratuity offered by any of the School District’s suppliers which could in any manner be construed to affect or influence the performance of his/her official duties in accordance with the Personnel Plan, Administrative Regulations and State or Federal Laws.
Employees of the School District shall not use the Jaffrey-Rindge Cooperative School District accounts to receive governmental pricing when purchasing goods, equipment or services from the Jaffrey-Rindge Cooperative School District vendors for personal use.