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Fiscal Management Goals POLICY: DA
School Board Approved: February 6, 2017

The Board recognizes the importance of excellent fiscal management to achieve the goals of the District. The Board will be vigilant in fulfilling its responsibilities to see that funds are used wisely to achieve the purpose for which they are allocated.

The District will:

1. Engage in thorough advance planning to develop budgets and guide expenditures.

2. Use the best available techniques and processes for budget development and management.

3. Provide timely and appropriate information to the Board and all staff with fiscal management responsibilities.

4. Establish and implement efficient procedures for accounting, audit, risk management, investing, purchasing, delivery, payroll, payment of vendors and contractors, and all other areas of fiscal management.

5. Develop cost control strategies and procedures that will ensure the best use of appropriated funds. Such procedures shall be periodically reviewed by the Board.

Section D
Policy Manual

da_fiscal_management_goals_priority_objectives.1574365999.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/11/21 20:53 by wiki