Section G

Section G contains policies on all school employees except for the Superintendent (policies on the school chief are located in section C, General Administration).The category is divided into three main divisions: GB has policies applying to all school employees or to general personnel matters; GC refers to instructional and administrative staff; and GD refers to support or classified staff. The word “Board” and “School Board” in these policies shall refer to the Jaffrey-Rindge School Board.

GA Personnel Goals/Priority Objectives
GADA Employment References and Verification (Prohibiting Aiding and Abetting of Sexual Abuse)
GBA Equal Employment Opportunity and Affirmative Action
GBAM Accommodation of Pregnancy and Related Medical Conditions: Personnel
GBCD Criminal History Records Check/Background Investigation
GBCD-R Criminal History Records Check Procedures
GBD Communications with Staff (Also, BHC)
GBE Staff Rights and Responsibilities
GBEA Staff Ethics/Conflict of Interest
GBEBC Gifts to and Solicitations by Staff (Also, KH)
GBEBB Employee-Student Relations
GBEF Staff Technology Acceptable Use and Social Media Policy
GBG Staff Indemnification, Workers' and Unemployment Compensation
GBGA Pre-Employment Medical Examination
GBGBA Automated External Defibrillation (AED)
GBJ Personnel Records and Files
GCB Professional Staff Contracts and Compensation
GCCBC Family and Medical Leave
GCEB Staff Recruitment
GCG Part-time and Substitute Professional Staff Employment
GCH Professional Staff Orientation and Training
GCI Staff Development
GCID Staff Participation in Trainings, Workshops and Conferences
GCO Teacher Performance Evaluations
GCQA Reduction in Instructional Staff Work Force
GCQB Exit Interviews
GCQG Resignation of Instructional Staff
GCR Non-School Employment of Professional Staff
GCRD Tutoring

Policy Manual