Policy KF-R
Use of School Buildings and Facilities Procedure
School Board Approved: June 19, 2023
Policy Goals
JRCSD: Jaffrey-Rindge Cooperative School District
JRCSB: Jaffrey-Rindge Cooperative School Board
JRCSD Facilities: Any structure, development, or land owned and operated by the JRCSD
Internal Group: A subdivision of the school district
Internal User: JRCSD employees, contacted employees, & formal volunteers
External Group: Any organization not part of the school district
External User: Facilities users that are not part of the school district
Requestor: The user submitting an event request on behalf of a group
Attendee: Any individual that is not a user that attends an event
General Assumptions
The primary purpose of JRCSD facilities is to support the education and growth of the students enrolled in the district. All events outside of regularly scheduled classes must be submitted to and included on the district master calendar. Before submitting an event request requestors are expected to review this policy in its entirety.
All questions not addressed in this policy should be directed to the facilities director or his/her designee.
JRCSD Master Calendar
The Jaffrey-Rindge Cooperative School District utilizes MasterLibrary Schedules to manage the district master calendar. ML Schedules is a web-based software that captures user and group information, event requests, approval routing, and payment processing. Instructions on how to submit a schedule request as well as the portal to submit schedule requests can be found here.
Event Request Procedure Overview
1. New User/Group Application
2. Requestor Submits Event Request
3. Event Request is Routed for Approval
4. Requestor/Group Executes Event
5. Requestor/Group Submits Payment
New User/Group Application
All individuals that request use of JRCSD facilities are required to be approved users in the master calendar system. Users are categorized as either internal or external users. Prospective users submit an application via MasterLibrary. Before a user application is submitted the prospective user must declare the group that they are a part of.
In accordance with district policy GBCD all prospective users that will be at JRCSD facilities while students may be present are required to pass a background investigation including a criminal history records check. Prospective user that fail a background check will be denied a user account and access to JRCSD facilities. The cost to conduct the background check will be the responsibility of the group sponsoring the prospective user. All internal users (JRCSD employees and formal volunteers) meet this requirement as part of the hiring process.
Approved users will be assigned a facility access level based on the user category and group classification. Below are the access levels used by the school district:
I: Master - 24/7 365 access to all JRCSD Facilities
II: Limited - Issued keys & fobs for specific locations & times
III: Monitored - Issued fobs for specific locations & times
IV: Restricted - No keys or fobs issued, may access facilities with district personnel assistance
V: Denied - Access not permitted under any circumstance
Access levels are assigned to users by the facilities office with input and direction from the superintendent, building principals, and district directors. Users may request a change in access level from the superintendent.
Internal users will be issues keys and/or fobs as part of the hiring process. External users that qualify for keys and/or fobs have the option to accept or refuse them. Accepted keys and fobs carry additional fees and liability.
Group assignments and group classifications are made by the facilities office per this policy. All groups are required to supply the JRCSD with acceptable certifications of insurance before any group application is approved. Internal groups are included in the district’s insurance and are not required to submit certificates of insurance.
External groups shall procure and maintain insurance against claims for injuries or losses to persons or property that are alleged to have arisen in connection with the activities, underlying this application, of the organization and any agents, representatives or employees. Insurance companies must be licensed by the State of New Hampshire or otherwise acceptable to the Jaffrey-Rindge Cooperative School District. The cost of such insurance, including required endorsements or amendments, shall be the sole responsibility of the organization. Full disclosure is required for any non-standard exclusions.
A certification of insurance, with minimum limits of $1,000,000 for general liability (covering bodily injury and property damage combined, and personal injury) must include the Jaffrey-Rindge Cooperative School District as additional named insured and be submitted to the business office for review before final approval can be given. The certification of insurance may be submitted via the event request, email, fax, or postage.
In addition, evidence of automobile liability and employers’ liability (workers’ compensation) insurance coverage is similarly required to the extent applicable by nature of the activity.
External group applications will be approved once a satisfactory certificate of insurance has been received by the school district. Once approved groups may submit event requests. Event requests that occur outside coverage dates listed on the certificate of insurance on file will not be approved.
Every group is assigned a classification by the facilities office in accordance with this policy and input from the superintendent. Each classification is also assigned a priority. The school board reserves the right to determine priority of prospective events. The priorities and classifications are shown below:
1: Municipal Governance - Town meetings, Voting, etc.
2: District Sponsored - Regular Classes, Student Activities & Athletics, Graduation, School Board Meetings, etc.
3: JRCSD Support Groups - PTO Groups, Booster Clubs, etc.
4: Municipal & Community Services - Athletic Events, Craft Fairs, Scouts, Civic Organizations, etc.
5: Businesses - For-profit entities
Groups in priorities 4 & 5 (Municipal & Community Services and Businesses) are eligible to be charged fees related to events held at JRCSD facilities. Municipal and Community services may offset costs through a Memorandum of Agreement, to be reviewed annually. If no agreement is reached, these groups may submit a petition to the school board to have fees waived. Fee waivers will be reviewed by the school board at the next regularly scheduled meeting. Waivers will be granted or denied on a case by case (per event) basis. The fee waiver form may be access here.
An overview of applicable fees can be found below:
Key/Fob Issue - Deposit: $4.00/key or $7.00/fob
Key/Fob Replacement - Fee/unit: $4.00/key or $7.00/fob
Custodial Support - Fee/hour: $45.00/hr
Space - Fee/event: See Appendix I - Space Fee Schedule
All deposits are retrievable with the return of the appropriate key(s) and fob(s) to the facilities office. Users that do not return issued key(s) & fob(s) forfeit the deposit(s). Replacement fees are not retrievable.
The custodial support fee will be applied for all events outside of regular facility operating hours to have a custodian on site. The regular operating hours may be found in Appendix II - Operating Hours Schedule.
The space fee will be applied on a per diem basis for each space included in an event. This fee is intended to recover the wear and tear as well as additional cleaning and maintenance costs associated with holding the event in the space(s).
Requestor Submits Event Request
Event requests must be submitted at least fourteen (14) school days prior to the requested start date. Groups that desire to reserve space with less fourteen (14) school days’ notice may petition the superintendent for approval to submit the event request. Event requests may not be made more than 4 months in advance for groups in priorities 3, 4, & 5.
Event Request is Routed for Approval
The superintendent or his/her designee may cancel any event at least five (5) school days in advance of the event. In the event of school closure (inclement weather or other) all events will be cancelled. Requesting groups are encouraged to monitor JRCSD communications surrounding school closures.
Cancellation due to the requesting group’s request must be submitted through the scheduling system a minimum of five (5) days prior to the event.
Approval routing for all event requests is based on the space that is being reserved. All event requests in athletic spaces are routed to the Activities Director, then the building Principal, and finally the Facilities Director for approval. All event requests for non-athletic spaces are routed to the building Principal, and then the Facilities Director. The approval process is sequential; the latter approver doesn’t see the request until it has been approved by the former.
The school district does not loan or rent out school equipment to external groups for events. School equipment includes, but is not limited to, sound systems, projectors, desks, and bookcases. District tables and chairs may be used on site by external groups for a rental fee.
Groups are not authorized to advertise events held at JRCSD facilities until the event request has received final approval. For external groups special attention must be given to not imply school or district sponsorship.
Requestor/Group Executes Event
For internal groups, the custodial team will assist the group in setting up and tearing down events. For external groups the custodial and maintenance teams may lay down floor covers, supply tables and chair, or provide trash cans. It is incumbent on requesting groups to clearly communicate custodial needs on the schedule request. Any set up requirements not approved on the schedule request will be the responsibility of the requesting group.
Per district policies JICG and ADC there is to be no smoking nor alcoholic beverages in the buildings or on the grounds of the JRCSD. Food and beverages are permitted only by prior consent from the building principal and facilities director.
A representative of the requesting group is required to be present for the duration of an approved event. The requesting group assumes responsibility for the decorum of all attendees. When minors are using a facility, they are required to have adult supervision on a 1 to 15 ratio basis.
Event attendees will park within the spaces provided. All fire lanes must remain accessible. Vehicles illegally parked will be towed at the owner’s expense.
All attendees are required to wear soft soled athletic shoes in district gymnasiums for athletic events.
All exterior doors must remain closed and locked at all times. Users are not allowed to prop open exterior doors but are allowed to open doors from the inside of the building for additional attendees.
Requesting groups are allowed to bring additional equipment (tables, chairs, decorations, etc…) to JRCSD facilities for events after facilities director approval. Equipment may not be brought into a facility during school hours. Requesting groups are not allowed to change JRCSD equipment, electrical settings, drive nails, or hang decorations without approval from the facilities director. Attaching object to stage curtains is not allowed. No electrical apparatus shall be connected to any lighting system unless it is first inspected and approved by the facilities director or his/her designee.
Requesting groups can expect the JRCSD facilities to be in a reasonably clean and working order. The JRCSD expects that same courtesy to be extended after events held in the JRCSD facilities. This includes the removal of all decorations, furniture, trash, and other materials brought to the facility by the requesting group. Clean-up will occur immediately following an event and all events that are not priorities one (1) or two (2) must conclude and clean-up be completed before 9:30pm. Event clean-up should leave affected spaces ready for regular use during school hours.
Requestor/Group Submits Payment
Any damages sustained to the facility and/or equipment during use will be the responsibility of the requesting group. The requesting group may be billed for and/or future privileges denied should any repairs or clean-up be needed to restore the facility and/or equipment to its original state.
Payment for facilities use must be made thirty (30) days from date of invoice. Events will be invoiced after the event concludes. Checks must be made payable to the Jaffrey-Rindge Cooperative School District and forwarded to the business office. Any returned check will be subject to a $45.00 returned check fee and possible revocation of current and future schedule requests. If payment is not received on the due date, the requestor(s) and/or requesting group may be denied future use of district facilities.
Any request not covered above will be considered a special request and must be approved by the school board at a regularly scheduled board meeting.
Appendix I - Space Fee Schedule
CHS Track & Field - $75.00
CHS Field House - $50.00
CHS Lower Soccer Field - $50.00
CHS Baseball Field - $50.00
CHS Music Room - $75.00
CHS Library - $75.00
CHS Cafeteria - $75.00
Pratt Gymnasium (Includes Stage) - $175.00
JRMS Cafeteria - $75.00
RMS Gymnasium - $150.00
RMS Stage - $175.00
RMS Cafeteria - $75.00
RMS Soccer Field - $50.00
RMS Baseball Field - $50.00
JGS Gymnasium - $100.00
JGS Stage - $125.00
JGS Cafeteria -$75.00
Default $50.00
Appendix II - Building Operating Hours
(Location: Class Hours; Open Hours)
Conant Middle High School: M-F 7:20a - 2:12p; M-F 6:00a - 10:00p
Jaffrey Grade School: M-F 8:30a - 3:00p; M-F 6:00a - 10:00p
Rindge Memorial School: M-F 8:30a - 3:00p; M-F 6:00a - 10:00p
Conant Athletic Facilities: M-F 7:20a 2:12p; M-F 2:15p - dusk, S-S dawn-dusk
Jaffrey Grade Playground: M-F 8:30a - 3:00p; M-F 3:15p - dusk, S-S dawn-dusk
Rindge Memorial Playground: M-F 8:30a - 3:00p; M-F 3:15p - dusk, S-S dawn-dusk