Policy ILBAA
K-12 Competencies
School Board Approved: July 23, 2018

For the purposes of assessment of K-12 learning progressions/course work through the demonstration of student mastery of competencies, the following definitions are established:

Competencies/learning goals: Student learning targets that represent key content-specific concepts, skills, and knowledge applied within or across content domains. Specific and required types of competencies include district competencies/learning goals and graduation exit outcomes.

District competencies/learning goals: Specific types of competencies that are common across the district and organized in developmental progressions that lead to achievement of graduate exit outcomes.

Graduation competencies: Specific types of competencies that define learning expectations for each Conant High School graduate.

Mastery: A complex proficiency with regard to a learning goal, based on the approved proficiency scale per Policy IKA grading.

Course/module credit will be awarded through the demonstration of a student's mastery of the learning goals/competencies of the course/module. Course credit granted through demonstration of mastery will be counted through research-based methods. Grades and credit granted through demonstration of mastery will be included in the student's grade point average. Students must be enrolled in the particular course/module in order to receive course credit.

Students who are involved in an approved extended learning opportunity or internships to satisfy course requirements in whole or in part shall demonstrate mastery through a method or methods as approved by a highly qualified educator, as specified in Policy IHBH.

Credit may be used to fulfill prerequisites for other courses, and/or subject area, and/or learning goals/competencies credit requirements for graduation. Credit will not be granted, however, for a course/module in a content area lower in course sequence than one for which the student has already earned credit.

The Superintendent shall establish rules for implementing this policy in cooperation with administration and shall be responsible for ensuring that all high school courses include appropriate assessments. Assessments will be selected, conducted, and reviewed in conjunction with the provisions of Policy ILBA.

Assessments shall be aligned with clearly defined educational standards that specify what students should know and be able to do. The assessment items and tasks shall be valid and appropriate representations of the standards students are expected to achieve. Assessment standards, tasks, procedures, and uses shall be fair to all students.

Legal References:
Ed 306.02(d), Competencies
Ed 306.02(g), District competencies
Ed 306.02(j), Graduation competencies
Ed 306.02(l), Mastery
Ed 306.04(a)(16), Tracking Achievement of Graduation Competencies
Ed 306.04(a)(25), (26), Graduation competencies
Ed 306.141(a)(6), Achievement of District and Graduation Competencies

Section I
Policy Manual