Policy IHBA
Special Education Programs for Students with Disabilities
School Board Approved: June 18, 2018

The District shall provide a free appropriate public education and necessary related services to all children with disabilities residing within the district, required under the Individuals With Disabilities Act (IDEA), Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and the Americans with Disabilities Act.

For students eligible for services under IDEA, the district shall follow procedures for identification, evaluation, placement, and delivery of services to children with disabilities provided in state statutes that govern special education. For those students who are not eligible for service under IDEA, but, because of disability as defined by Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, need or are believed to need special instruction or related service, the district shall establish and implement a system of procedural safeguards. The safeguards shall cover students’ identification, evaluation, and educational placement.

The district recognizes its obligation to provide an education for all students determined to be educationally disabled and in need of special education and related services. This obligation shall begin when a student reaches three years of age and shall continue until the student’s 21st birthday or until such time as he/she receives a high school diploma, whichever occurs first, or until the child’s Individualized Education Program (IEP) Team determines that the child no longer requires special education in accordance with federal and state law.

Section I
Policy Manual