Policy IHAMB
Teaching About Self-Protection
School Board Approved: June 18, 2018

The Superintendent in conjunction with the building principal or designee will prepare or provide safety information for distribution to students regarding protecting themselves from abuse, abduction or exploitation. The school district's K-12 health curriculum will include education on student safety issues, child abuse as established in the definition of “abused child” under RSA 169-C:3, II, as well as age and developmentally appropriate drug and alcohol education based on the needs of students and the community. School officials may ask their police liaison officer or local law enforcement officials for assistance in providing instruction to staff and/or students.

Legal References:
RSA 169-C, Child Protection Act
RSA 169-C: 29, Persons Required to Report
RSA 189:10, Studies
RSA 189:11-d, Drug and Alcohol Education
RSA 651-B: 7, Registration of Criminal Offenders

Section I
Policy Manual