Policy IHAMA
Teaching About Drugs, Alcohol, and Tobacco
School Board Approved: June 18, 2018

District personnel shall provide students, parents, and legal guardians with information and resources relative to existing drug and alcohol counseling and treatment for students. The Superintendent shall oversee the development, distribution, and maintenance of a comprehensive list of local, regional, statewide drug and alcohol counseling, and treatment resources which are available to district students. This information may be published in student/parent handbooks, posted on district websites, distributed along with other course material during drug and alcohol education, and shall be available through the principal's office, school nurses' office, athletic program offices, guidance offices and other locations deemed appropriate by the principal in each school.

The Superintendent shall be responsible to establish and periodically review the District's guidelines for staff members providing education on the effects of alcohol, other drugs, tobacco, and dealing with abuse. The District shall provide age and developmentally appropriate drug and alcohol education to pupils based upon the needs of the pupils and the community, as a component of the kindergarten through grade 12 health education programs. An evidence-based prevention program, approved by the Superintendent, may be used for this purpose.

Legal References:
RSA 189:10, Studies
RSA 189:11-d, Drug and Alcohol Education
Ed 306.40, (b) (2) a - Health Education Program.

Section I
Policy Manual