Policy IFA
Instructional Program Needs of Each Individual Student
School Board Approved: May 21, 2018

The Board recognizes that each student has unique and distinctive learning styles, and that not all students will excel in traditional classroom settings. To that end, the administration will design the district’s instruction and curricular program to meet the instructional needs of students with different talents, interests, and development.

Administrators and teachers should collaborate to consider and address students’ different talents, interests and academic development when planning the district’s educational programs and curriculum.

In order to meet the instructional needs of students with different talents, administrators and staff should explore alternative learning programs such as extended learning opportunities, alternative learning plans, distance education, vocational/technical education, and others.

Legal References:
Ed 306.04(a)(6), Instructional Needs of Each Individual Students
Ed 306.04(j), Instructional Needs of Each Individual Student

Section I
Policy Manual