Policy ECAF
Audio and Video Surveillance on School Buses
School Board Approved: August 7, 2019

Video cameras may be used on school buses to monitor student behavior. Audio recordings in conjunction with video recordings may also be captured on school buses, in accordance with the provisions of RSA 570-A:2.

This policy constitutes notification that audio and video recordings may be made on school buses used in the district. See also Policy JICK - Pupil Safety and Violence Prevention. The Superintendent or his/her designee shall ensure that there is a sign prominently displayed on the school buses informing the occupants of the school buses that such video and audio recordings are occurring.

The Superintendent is charged with establishing administrative procedures to address the length of time, which the recording is retained, ownership of the recording, limitations on who may view and listen to the recording, and provisions for erasing or destroying the recordings. That procedure shall comply with RSA 570-A:2, II (k)(2) which provides in pertinent part: “In no event, however, shall the recording be retained for longer than 10 school days unless the school district determines that the recording is relevant to a disciplinary proceeding, or a court orders that it be retained for a longer period of time. An audio recording shall only be reviewed if there has been a report of an incident or a complaint relative to conduct on the school bus, and only that portion of the audio recording which is relevant to the incident or complaint shall be reviewed.”

Recordings may be viewed only by the following persons and only after expressly authorized by the Superintendent:

In the event an audio or video recording is used as part of a student discipline proceeding, such video may become part of a student's education record. If an audio or video recording does become part of a student's education record, the provisions of Policy JRA shall apply.

The Superintendent is authorized to contact the District's attorney for a full legal opinion relative to use and retention of an audio and video recording in the event of such an occurrence.

Legal References:
RSA 570-A:2, Capture of Audio Recordings on School Buses Allowed

Section E
Policy Manual