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ehb-r_procedures_for_general_records [2019/11/25 22:11]
ehb-r_procedures_for_general_records [2023/04/11 19:15]
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 **Policy EHB-R\\ **Policy EHB-R\\
-Data Storage and Record ​Retention ​Procedures\\ +Records ​Retention ​Schedule\\ 
-School Board Approved: ​December 162010**+School Board Approved: ​March 202023**
-**Procedure for General Records:**+The following schedule shall apply to all records obtained, created, or maintained by the District, irrespective of the specific medium of the record, i.e., paper, electronic, digital, cloud, etc...\\
-  - Check the retention schedule before disposing of documents/​records. If the document/​record is not listed, consult with the Business Office before disposing of the document/​record. If necessary the New Hampshire Department of Education, other appropriate agency, or legal counsel will be contacted for guidance.  +**Special ​Education Records**\\ 
-  - Records, including electronic files, will be maintained in accordance with the retention schedule. ​ +Upon student'​s graduation from high schoolhis or her parent(s)/guardian(smay request ​in writing that the District destroy ​the student'​s special education ​records, including any final individualized education program.\\
-  - Records whose retention has expired will be properly destroyed by secured shredding or incineration.  +
-  - Only one copy of document needs to be retainedby the party responsible for it. If available the original document should be retained.  +
-  - Drafts and notes can be destroyed except when such documents are important to official business ​or action of the district, in which case they will be stored in the official file.  +
-  - Except as noted in the retention schedule, the retention period runs from when the record was created or received.  +
-  - No record relating to pending or anticipated litigation may be destroyed or altered even if the record is technically past its retention date.  +
-  - Any e-mail message that would be saved if it had been transmitted in paper form should be printed and retained in accordance with the retention schedule. All e-mails ​(after those that should be retained and printed in hard copyand are considered “Correspondence for Business” and will be automatically deleted by the system after four (4years.  +
-  - Junk mail and “spam” are not considered records and can be discarded immediately.  +
-  - State law requires schools to transfer records when a student enrolls in another school ​in the state. A copy of the records ​that were forwarded to the new school will be retained in accordance with the retention schedule+
-**Records Retention Schedule:**+The parent(s)/​guardian(s) may, at any time prior to the student'​s twenty-sixth birthday, request, in writing, that the records be retained until the student'​s thirtieth birthday.\\
-Annual Audit Permanent\\ +Absent any request by a student'​s parents to destroy the records prior to the twenty-sixth birthday, or to retain such records until the student'​thirtieth birthday, the District shall destroy a student'​records and final individualized education program within a reasonable time after the student'​twenty-sixth birthday, provided that all such records be destroyed by the student'​thirtieth birthday.\\
-Annual Report - Permanent\\  +
-Application for Free/​Reduced Lunch - 6 years\\ +
-Architectural Plans - Permanent \\ +
-Asbestos Removal - Permanent \\ +
-Ballots - 60 days after election recounts and appeal\\ +
-Bank statements & Reconciliations - 6 years \\ +
-Bids (Successful) - 3 years\\ +
-Bids (Unsuccessful) - 3 years\\  +
-Bond Issue Documentation - Permanent\\ +
-Budget (Approved) - 6 years\\  +
-Budget Transfers - 1 year \\ +
-Budget Worksheets - 1 year \\ +
-Cash Receipts & Deposit Slips - 6 years \\ +
-Contracts - Permanent\\ +
-Collective Bargaining Agreements - Permanent\\  +
-Correspondence for Business - 4 years\\  +
-Deeds - Permanent\\ +
-Department of Revenue Administration Apportionment Worksheets - Permanent\\ +
-Department of Revenue Administration Default Budget - 6 years\\ +
-Department of Revenue Administration MS22 (Approved Budget) - 6 years \\ +
-Department of Revenue Administration MS24 (Estimated Revenues) - 6 years \\ +
-Department of Revenue Administration MS25 (Financial Report) - Permanent \\ +
-Department of Revenue Administration MS26 (Budget) - 6 years \\ +
-District Meeting Minutes & Warrant - Permanent\\ +
-DOE25 Financial Report - Permanent\\  +
-Engineering Surveys - Permanent \\ +
-Enrollment Reports: Resident Pupil Membership Forms - Permanent \\ +
-Enrollment Reports: Fall Reports A-12-A (RSA 189:28) - Permanent \\ +
-Enrollment Reports: Pupil Registers (189:27-b) - Permanent [must maintain paper copy]\\ +
-Enrollment Reports: School Opening Reports - 3 years \\ +
-Enrollment Reports: Statistical Reports A-3 (RSA 189:28) - Permanent \\ +
-Federal Grants: Form 1 application\\  +
-Federal Grants: Form 2 \\ +
-Federal Grants: Form 3 \\ +
-Federal Grants: Form 4 quarterly\\  +
-Federal Grants: Invoices \\ +
-Federal Grants: Inventory \\ +
-Federal Grants: Payment Vouchers\\  +
-Federal Grants: Purchase Orders \\ +
-Federal Grants: Requisitions \\  +
-FICA Reports: Monthly - 6 years \\ +
-FICA Reports: Quarterly Form 941 - 6 years \\ +
-Fixed Assets Schedule - Permanent [as updated]\\ +
-Journal Entries - 6 years \\ +
-Unemployment Reports: Form C-2 - 6 years \\ +
-Unemployment Reports: Wage Report - 6 years \\ +
-Invoices - 6 years \\ +
-Manifests (Accounts Payable & Payroll) - 6 years \\ +
-Minutes of Board Meetings - Permanent \\ +
-NH School District Profile - 5 years from submission of data to NHDOE \\ +
-Oaths - Permanent \\ +
-Payment Vouchers - 1 year after audit \\ +
-Purchase Orders - 1 year after audit \\ +
-Requisitions - 1 year after audit \\ +
-Retirement Reports (monthly) - 1 year \\ +
-School Calendar - Permanent \\ +
-School Board Calendar - Permanent \\ +
-Student Activity Records - 6 years \\ +
-Technology Plan - Permanent \\ +
-Time cards/pay slips - 6 years \\ +
-Travel Reimbursements - 1 year after audit \\ +
-Treasurer’Records: Annual Report - 6 years \\ +
-Treasurer’Records: Bank Reconcilements - 6 years \\ +
-Treasurer’Records: Canceled Checks ​6 years \\ +
-Treasurer’Records: Manifests - 6 years \\ +
-Trust Funds - Permanent \\ +
-Vocational Education: AV-1 Forms - 1 year \\ +
-Vocational Education: Equipment Inventory - 5 years\\  +
-Vocational Education: Federal Forms - 6 years \\ +
-Vocational Education: Regional Contracts - 20 years \\ +
-W-2 - 6 years \\ +
-W-4 - 6 years \\ +
-W-9 - 6 years \\ +
-Internal Records: Child Abuse Reports/​Allegations - Permanent \\ +
-Internal Records: Criminal Investigations - Permanent \\ +
-Criminal Record Checks (Unsuccessful/​Unfavorable) - 1 year \\ +
-Internal Records: Personnel Investigations - Permanent \\ +
-Internal Records: Sexual Harassment - Permanent \\ +
-Personnel Records: Accident Reports - Term of employment \\ +
-Personnel Records: Applications (Employed) - Term of employment \\ +
-Personnel Records: Applications (Not Employed) - 3 years \\ +
-Personnel Records: Attendance Records - Term of employment \\ +
-Personnel Records: Civil Rights Forms - 6 years \\ +
-Personnel Records: Class Observation Forms - 1 year \\ +
-Personnel Records: Employment Contracts/​Agreements - Term of employment \\ +
-Personnel Records: Evaluations - Term of employment \\ +
-Personnel Records: HIPPA Documentation - 6 years \\ +
-Interview Documents (Employed) - Term of employment \\ +
-Interview Documents (Not Employed) - 3 years \\ +
-Letters of Recommendations (Employed) - Term of employment \\ +
-Letters of Recommendations (Not Employed) - 3 years \\ +
-Medical Benefits Application - Term of employment \\ +
-Medical Examinations - Term of employment \\ +
-Payroll Deduction Authorizations - Term of employment \\ +
-Re-employment Letter of Assurance - 1 year \\ +
-Requests for Leaves - 6 years \\ +
-Retirement Application - Term of employment \\ +
-Separation from Employment Form/Letter - 6 years \\  +
-Staff Development:​ District Plan - Permanent \\ +
-Staff Development:​ Employee Professional Development Plan - Term of employment \\ +
-Staff Development:​ Employee Professional Development - Term of employment \\ +
-Substitute Lists - 6 years \\ +
-Transcripts (Employed) - Term of employment \\ +
-Transcripts (Not Employed) - 3 years \\ +
-Student Records: Accident Reports - 6 years after age of maturity \\ +
-Student Records: Child Labor Permits - 1 year \\ +
-Student Records: Co-curricular Activities - Term of enrollment \\ +
-Student Records: Disciplinary Records - Term of enrollment \\ +
-Student Records: Early Dismissal Forms - 1 year \\ +
-Student Records: Emergency Information Forms - 1 year \\ +
-Student Records: Health and Physical Records - Term of enrollment \\ +
-Student Records: Immunization Records - Term of enrollment \\ +
-Student Records: Insurance Forms - Term of enrollment \\ +
-Student Records: Medical Reports - Term of enrollment \\ +
-Student Records: Post High School Placement - 6 years \\ +
-Student Records: Registration Forms - Term of enrollment \\ +
-Student Records: Scholarship Information* - Permanent \\ +
-Student Records: Assessment Results - Permanent \\ +
-Student Records: ​ Attendance* - Permanent \\ +
-Student Records: ​ Grades - Permanent\\+
-*Complete and accurate records ​of studentattendance ​and scholarship must be permanently kept and safely stored in a fire-resistant filevault or safe+A permanent record ​of student'name, address, ​and phone numberhis or her grades, attendance record, classes attended, grade level completed, and year completed may be maintained without time limitation. 34 CFR 300.624.\\
-**Student Records -- Special Needs:**+The District shall provide parents/​guardians,​ or where applicable, the adult student, with a written notice of the District'​s document destruction policies upon the student'​s graduation with a regular high school diploma or at the transfer of rights, whichever occurs first.\\
-All records ​should ​be maintained ​until the student reaches ​the age of 27. Records ​should ​be maintained permanently ​if the district has reason ​to suspect ​that the student poses high risk for litigation ​or student ​is chronically mentally incompetent+The District shall provide public notice of its document destruction policy at least annually.\\ 
 +**Litigation Hold**\\ 
 +On receipt of notice from legal counsel representing the District that a litigation hold is required, the routine destruction of governmental ​records, including paper and electronic records, which are or may be subject to the litigation hold shall cease. The destruction of records subject to a litigation hold shall not resume ​until the district has received a written directive from the attorney representing the district authorizing resumption ​of the routine destruction of those records.\\ 
 +**Right-to-Know Request Hold**\\ 
 +On receipt of a Right-to-Know law request to inspect or copy governmental records, the Superintendent shall cease any destruction of governmental records which are or may be the subject of the request. The records shall be retained regardless of whether they are subject to disclosure under RSA Chapter 91-A, the Right-to-Know law. If a request for inspection is denied on the grounds that the information is exempt, the requested material shall be preserved for no less than 90 days and until any lawsuit pursuant to RSA 91-A:7-8 has been finally resolved, all appeal periods have expired, and a written directive from the attorney representing the District authorizing destruction of the records has been received.\\ 
 +**Electronic ​Records**\\ 
 +For legal purposes, electronic records and communications are no different than paper documents. The state law on preservation of electronic records, RSA 33-A:5-a Electronic Records, does not explicitly apply to school districts, but does provide guidance: "​Electronic records as defined in RSA 5:29, VI and designated on the disposition schedule under RSA 33-A:3-a to be retained for more than 10 years shall be transferred to paper or microfilm, or stored in portable document format/​archival (PDF/A) on a medium from which it is readily retrievable. Electronic records designated on the disposition schedule to be retained for less than 10 years may be retained solely electronically ​if so, approved by Superintendent responsible for the records. The Superintendent is responsible for assuring the accessibility of the records for the mandated period.\\ 
 +**Retention Period Schedule**\\ 
 +The following schedule shall apply to all records obtained, created or maintained by the District, irrespective of the specific medium of the record, i.e., paper, electronic, digital, cloud, etc. The Superintendent will identify those persons responsible for the retention/​destruction of records in accordance with the schedule.\\ 
 +Note regarding records relating to federal funds (items marked below with "​*"​):​ Before any records related to federal funds are destroyed, however, the requirements of the General Education Provisions Act (GEPA) 20 U.S.C. 1232f shall be observed. Namely, ​that statute requires that district "shall keep records which fully disclose ​the amount and disposition by the recipient of [federal] funds, the total cost of the activity ​for which the funds are used, the share of that cost provided from other sources, and such other records as will facilitate an effective financial ​or programmatic audit… for three years after the completion of the activity for which the funds are used." Therefore, to the extent that the below schedule, or other authorities,​ suggest that a purchase order, with accompanying documentation,​ may need to be retained only until the records are audited, plus 1 year, if the purchase ​is in part or in whole with federal funds the record must be retained for three years after the completion of the activity for which the funds are used, a much longer period of time.\\ 
 +Please download policy EHB-R below for a table full of more specific records retention information\\
 {{ ::​ehb-r_procedures_for_general_records.pdf |Download}}\\ {{ ::​ehb-r_procedures_for_general_records.pdf |Download}}\\
 [[section_e|Section E]]\\ [[section_e|Section E]]\\
 [[start|Policy Manual]] [[start|Policy Manual]]
ehb-r_procedures_for_general_records.txt · Last modified: 2023/04/11 19:15 by wiki