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dn_school_properties_sales_disposition [2019/11/25 17:40]
wiki created
dn_school_properties_sales_disposition [2021/09/29 20:49]
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 +**Policy DN\\
 +School Properties Sale/​Disposition\\
 +School Board Approved: October 3, 2005**
 +**Equipment and supplies sales**\\
 +No equipment or supplies shall be disposed of until permission has been received from the Superintendent. The Superintendent shall determine whether the material involved has salable value, and if such shall be the case, it shall authorize the sale of the material. If the material does not have salable value, the proper disposal of the books, equipment, and/or supplies shall be determined by the Superintendent. \\
 +**School Properties Disposal Procedure**\\
 +The Board authorizes disposition of obsolete items according to the following priority actions: \\
 +  - By selling to the highest bidder or whatever other business arrangement is in the best interest of the School District. ​
 +  - When practicable,​ the Board shall donate such items to charitable organizations and schools. ​
 +  - By giving such items to local citizens. ​
 +  - By removal to the town dump. 
 +Sale of real estate will be by the vote of the electorate of the School District at an annual or special School District meeting, and the revenue derived there from will be returned to the general fund to defray costs of current expenses. \\
 +Fixed asset inventories will be amended to reflect changes in values through disposal. \\
 +{{ ::​dn_school_properties_sales_and_disposition.pdf |Download}}\\
 [[section_d|Section D]]\\ [[section_d|Section D]]\\
 [[start|Policy Manual]] [[start|Policy Manual]]
dn_school_properties_sales_disposition.txt ยท Last modified: 2021/09/29 20:49 by wiki