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dbj_budget_transfers [2019/11/25 17:47]
dbj_budget_transfers [2021/09/29 18:09]
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 **Policy DBJ\\ **Policy DBJ\\
 Budget Transfers\\ Budget Transfers\\
-School Board Approved: ​November ​21, 2016**+School Board Approved: ​June 21, 2021**
-The Board’s intent is to limit spending to the amount appropriated in each line item of the budget. When necessary to spend more in a line than is budgeted, the Superintendent is authorized to transfer funds to accommodate a line item funding shortfall. Board approval is required for transfers over $3,000.\\+The Board’s intent is to limit spending to the amount appropriated in each line item of the budget. When necessary to spend more in a line than is budgeted, the Superintendent is authorized to transfer funds to accommodate a line item funding shortfall. Board approval is required for transfers over $15,000.\\
 Funds may not be transferred from the Unemployment Compensation line item. Any amount appropriated at an annual meeting under a special warrant article may be used only for the purpose specified in that article and shall not be transferred.\\ Funds may not be transferred from the Unemployment Compensation line item. Any amount appropriated at an annual meeting under a special warrant article may be used only for the purpose specified in that article and shall not be transferred.\\
-**Legal References:​** 
 +**Legal References:​**
 //RSA 32:10, Transfer of Appropriations \\ //RSA 32:10, Transfer of Appropriations \\
 RSA 282-A: 71, III, Unemployment Compensation// ​ RSA 282-A: 71, III, Unemployment Compensation// ​
dbj_budget_transfers.txt · Last modified: 2021/09/29 18:10 by wiki