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adb_drug-free_workplace [2019/11/20 17:43]
adb_drug-free_workplace [2022/05/31 15:12]
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-The School District will provide a drug-free workplace in accordance with the Drug-Free ​Schools and Communities Act of 1988 and Amendments of 1989 (41 USC Section 701 Et. Seq.). In compliance with statutory requirementsthe District will: \\+**Policy ADB\\ 
 +Drug-Free ​Workplace\\ 
 +School Board Approved: September 122016**\\
-1. Notify all employees, ​in writing, that the unlawful manufacture,​ distribution,​ dispensation,​ possession, or use of illicit drugs and alcohol is prohibited in the District’s workplace and that any violation is subject to disciplinary action. Notification ​will be accomplished by distribution of this policy to all employees. ​\\+The School District will provide a drug-free workplace ​in accordance with the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act of 1988 and Amendments of 1989 (41 USC Section 701 Et. Seq.). In compliance with statutory requirements, ​the District ​will\\
-2. Provide a drug-free awareness program to inform ​employees ​about: \\ +Notify all employees, in writing, that the unlawful manufacture,​ distribution,​ dispensation,​ possession, or use of illicit drugs and alcohol is prohibited ​in the District'​s ​workplace ​and that any violation is subject to disciplinary action. Notification will be accomplished by distribution of this policy to all employees. \\
-  - The dangers ​of illicit drugs in the workplace; \\ +
-  - The District’s policy of maintaining a drug-free workplace; \\ +
-  - The penalty/​penalties ​that may be imposed on employees ​for drug and alcohol violations occurring in the workplace. \\+
-3. Notify employees that, as condition ​of employment ​in the District, they will agree to and abide by the terms of the policy, and will notify the District ​of any drug statute conviction resulting from workplace ​conduct within five days of conviction. \\+Provide ​drug-free awareness program to inform employees about: \\ 
 +       ​* ​ The dangers ​of illicit drugs in the workplace; \\ 
 +       * The District'​s ​policy of maintaining a drug-free workplace; \\ 
 +       * The penalty/​penalties that may be imposed on employees for drug and alcohol violations occurring in the workplace. \\
-4. Establish the following ​as grounds ​of disciplinary action: ​\\+Notify employees that, as a condition ​of employment in the District, they will agree to and abide by the terms of the policy, and will notify the District of any drug statute conviction resulting from workplace conduct within five days of conviction. ​\\
-  - Working under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs, no matter where consumed. \\ +Establish ​the following ​as grounds ​of disciplinary action: ​\\
-  - Having an unsealed container of alcohol or consuming alcohol on school property. (Any employee who finds any type of container of alcohol on school property should report it to the administration ​as soon as possible.) \\ +
-  - Possessing or distributing controlled substances on school property. \\ +
-  - Consuming, possessing, or distributing alcohol or illegal drugs at official* School functions not on school property. \\ +
-5. Alert the local law enforcement agency ​of suspected violations of the policy. ​\\+
-6. Take any of the following disciplinary actions (either alone or in combination) regarding ​an employee who is in violation ​of the policy: ​\\ +       * Working under the influence of alcohol ​or illegal drugs, no matter where consumed. \\ 
-  ​- ​  ​Suspension ​\\ +       * Having ​an unsealed container of alcohol or consuming alcohol on school property. (Any employee who finds any type of container of alcohol on school property should report it to the administration as soon as possible.) ​\\ 
-  ​- ​  ​Termination \\ +       * Possessing or distributing controlled substances on school property. ​\\ 
-  -  Satisfactory participation in a drug abuse assistance or rehabilitation program approved for such purposes by a federalstate or local health or law enforcement, ​or other appropriate agency. \\+       * Consuming, possessing, or distributing alcohol ​or illegal drugs at official* School functions not on school property. \\
-7. Make a good faith effort to continue to maintain a drug-free workplace through implementation of all the provisions ​of this policy. In so doing, the District will conduct a biennial review ​of its programs to determine their effectiveness and to ensure that the disciplinary sanctions are consistently enforced and changes are implemented,​ if needed. \\+Alert the local law enforcement agency ​of suspected violations ​of the policy. \\
 +Take any of the following disciplinary actions (either alone or in combination) regarding an employee who is in violation of the policy: \\
 +       * Suspension \\
 +       * Termination \\
 +       * Satisfactory participation in a drug abuse assistance or rehabilitation program approved for such purposes by a federal, state or local health or law enforcement,​ or other appropriate agency. \\
-* An official School function is defined as one which is authorized and conducted by the School with School officials present, in charge, and on duty, such as, but not limited ​to: \\ +Make a good faith effort to continue to maintain a drug-free workplace through implementation of all the provisions of this policy. In so doingthe District will conduct a biennial review of its programs to determine their effectiveness ​and to ensure that the disciplinary sanctions are consistently enforced and changes are implemented,​ if needed. ​\\
-  - Interscholastic athletic contests \\ +
-  - Field Trips \\ +
-  - School dances ​\\+
 +An official School function is defined as one which is authorized and conducted by the School with School officials present, in charge, and on duty, such as, but not limited to: \\
 +  * Interscholastic athletic contests \\
 +  * Field Trips \\
 +  * School dances \\
-**Legal References** +**Legal References:**\\ 
-RSA 193-B, Drug-Free School Zones  +//RSA 193-B, Drug-Free School Zones \\ 
-41 U.S.C. Section 701 et. seq. Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act of 1988 and Amendments of 1989  +41 U.S.C. Section 701 et. seq. Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act of 1988 and Amendments of 1989\\ 
-NH Code of Administrative Rules, Section Ed. 316, Procedure to Mark Drug-Free School Zones +NH Code of Administrative Rules, Section Ed. 316, Procedure to Mark Drug-Free School Zones//
-{{ :​adb_drug-free_workplace.pdf |Download}}\\+{{:​adb_drug-free_workplace.pdf |Download}}\\
 [[section_a|Section A]]\\ [[section_a|Section A]]\\
 [[start|Policy Manual]] [[start|Policy Manual]]
adb_drug-free_workplace.txt · Last modified: 2023/07/14 20:17 by wiki